
new Cesium.Particle(options)

A particle emitted by a ParticleSystem.
Name Type Description
options Object An object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
mass Number 1.0 optional The mass of the particle in kilograms.
position Cartesian3 Cartesian3.ZERO optional The initial position of the particle in world coordinates.
velocity Cartesian3 Cartesian3.ZERO optional The velocity vector of the particle in world coordinates.
life Number Number.MAX_VALUE optional The life of the particle in seconds.
image Object optional The URI, HTMLImageElement, or HTMLCanvasElement to use for the billboard.
startColor Color Color.WHITE optional The color of a particle when it is born.
endColor Color Color.WHITE optional The color of a particle when it dies.
startScale Number 1.0 optional The scale of the particle when it is born.
endScale Number 1.0 optional The scale of the particle when it dies.
size Cartesian2 new Cartesian2(1.0, 1.0) optional The dimensions of particles in pixels. This has been deprecated. Use imageSize instead.
imageSize Cartesian2 new Cartesian2(1.0, 1.0) optional The dimensions, width by height, to scale the particle image in pixels.


age : Number

Gets the age of the particle in seconds.
The color of the particle when it dies.
Default Value: Color.WHITE

endScale : Number

The scale of the particle when it dies.
Default Value: 1.0

image : Object

The image to use for the particle.
Default Value: undefined
The dimensions, width by height, to scale the particle image in pixels.
Default Value: new Cartesian(1.0, 1.0)

life : Number

The life of the particle in seconds.
Default Value: Number.MAX_VALUE

mass : Number

The mass of the particle in kilograms.
Default Value: 1.0

normalizedAge : Number

Gets the age normalized to a value in the range [0.0, 1.0].
The positon of the particle in world coordinates.
Default Value: Cartesian3.ZERO
The color of the particle when it is born.
Default Value: Color.WHITE

startScale : Number

the scale of the particle when it is born.
Default Value: 1.0
The velocity of the particle in world coordinates.
Default Value: Cartesian3.ZERO