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osgb转Cesium 3D tiles工具5年前

Hi! I want some help regarding 3Dtiles for display on cesium. I have a photogrammetry model that is prepared in Pix4d desktop application, I can have it in multiple formats including osgb, fbx, obj etc. I tried alot to create 3D tiles using various techniques, I am unable to do it sucessfully.

For "3dtile conversion toolset" I have to add metadata.xml along with osgb files, which i dont have, So i put an empty metadata.xml. It gives me the data copied in different folders along with json files tileset.json but when i run the code to display on cesium it gives me error and the data is not displayed. var tileset = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({ url: "mydata/tileset.json" }); viewer.scene.primitives.add(tileset);


Please tell me where i am going wrong as soon as possible. I will be really very thankful.

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